Page 21 - CAD Standards Manager

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CAD Standards Manager
Prompt For Insertion Layer
is set on th
tab an insertion layer must be chosen before
step 3.
Symbol Settings
The symbol settings control both insertion and display options. Following are descriptions of the
different symbols settings available in CSM.
Prompt for Insertion Layer
- Allows the user to specify which layer to insert the symbol on. By
default the layer assigned in the standard is used.
Align symbol with selected object
- Aligns the symbol with a selected object based on the
Rotation Increment
Redefine block within drawing
- Will replace an existing block definition upon insertion if one
Display Style
- Controls the display of symbols on the Symbols tab. Choose Name, Description,
Image, or some combination of the three from the drop down and see changes take effect on the
Symbols tab.
Image Size
- Controls the size of symbols on the Symbols tab.
- By Selecting a discipline and checking the
Display group tabs
box a new tab will be
created for each group within the discipline. This is another way to view all the available symbols
within a given discipline.